Glendale Baptist Church
Nashville, Tennessee

Baptist Affiliations

Our primary Baptist affiliations are with the Alliance of Baptists and the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America/Bautistas por la Paz. We maintain a relationship with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, too, though it is increasingly difficult as that organization has failed to welcome and affirm LGBTQIA+ members fully. At this time, we continue to hope that our presence calls the CBF to repent of its exclusionary policies and embrace its LGBTQIA+ members without reservation.

Alliance of Baptists

The Alliance of Baptists claims three core values: theological home, pursuit of God’s justice, and partnership in mission. Glendalers participate in the work of the Alliance by serving on committees, attending annual gatherings, and supporting the work of the Alliance with presence and resources. Several Glendalers have served on the Board of Directors. 

BPFNA ~ Bautistas Por La Paz

The Baptist Peace Fellowship of NA/Bautistas por la Paz offers our congregation a network of Baptists around the world that are working for peace and justice. These companions broaden our understanding of the work for peace and invite us to join the work for justice in places and circumstances we might not encounter without these relationships. Glendalers regularly attend the BPFNA/BPP annual conference, affectionately known as “Peace Camp.”

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

While, as noted above, we find our relationship with CBF tenuous, we value that network of Baptists that is mindful of many needs in our world and is committed to compassion and love. Our church has benefitted from the presence and ministry of summer interns through the program of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. In addition to the national organization, Glendale also has a relationship with the Tennessee Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

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